Season’s Eatings from Spain!

Fellow blogger, Katie of Thyme For Cooking has hosted a fun foodie swap called Season’s Eatings for the holidays. I participated in this and my package of goodies arrived today… from Barcelona Spain!

A heart felt ‘Thank You!‘ goes out to Nuria of Spanish Recipes for her wonderful and tasty package. I’m so psyched with the goodies I received:

White Beans
Nuria picked this up from her local Farmer’s Market. She says they’ve been harvested recently and are famous in Spain for their fine and tender texture when cooked.
Ceps: A type of mushroom which are great with meat, omelettes and rice.
Noras: This is a small dry pepper that is used in sauces, stews and with legumes.
A great spice, especially coming straight from Spain… and is essential in paella!

If you have any recipes using the above ingredients, I’d love to hear about them! I know Nuria has quite a few in her blog that I hope to try soon!

To Brie, Or Not To Brie?

Thanks to my friends at President Cheese, I received this wonderful package of their special Brie log, Stonewall Kitchen Raspberry Jam and Carr’s Water Crackers. This comes at a perfect time especially after my busy weekend.

I happen to love President Cheese that (little did they know!) I always have a large wheel of their Brie on hand. However their Brie log is a perfect shape for crackers and appetizers. The rind on President’s Brie log is so thin, even those that don’t like to eat the rind (like myself) won’t mind it at all!

So what kinds of recipes do you use brie in? I’d love to hear from you and learn some new recipes to use it in or perhaps other accouterments you eat brie with! In the meantime, here are some recipes I have within my blog using brie…