Bring on the Holiday Cheer!

After a wonderful 5-day vacation off from work, we had a fabulous Thanksgiving holiday! From the fun times with city family & friends on Thanksgiving day, to spending time with suburban family and friends the following day (which was also my husband’s birthday!), we spent yesterday helping my mom prepare for her upcoming trip overseas. Today, we’re back home (finally!) and we decided to bring out the holiday cheer.

It has always been a tradition growing up for us to put up our Christmas tree sometime during the weekend after Thanksgiving. This year was no exception! Here are pics of our almost fully decorated tree. I think it needs some ribbon or garland of some type… so perhaps I’ll dress it up even more in the coming days.

Ornaments shot:
All lit up with a holiday glow:

Who needs TWO hands to cook?

Due to a fall, I fractured my wrists in four spots. As a result, I’m unable to use my left hand/wrist, which is now in a pretty purple cast. So for the next 4-6 weeks, keep a look out for my one handed recipes! (Pardon the messy hair…)

Gucci… the Diva Dog

Not exactly cooking related, but I wanted to share some pics of my sister in law’s dog, Gucci. Gucci is staying with us for a little while until my sister in law completes her out of state move. She’s a toy poodle/shih tzu mix and is extremely well trained. Here she is just lounging around posing in front of the camera… such a diva I tell you! Heck, Gucci even has her own MySpace page!