January Tasty Tools: Measuring Tools

A popular new year’s resolution is to be more health conscious. One way to do that is measuring portions. This month we’re highlighting all measuring tools to keep with the theme… and maybe start a new habit for portion control!

Measuring tools that come to mind include:
– measuring spoons & cups
– measuring beakers
– food scale


1) Make a recipe using any measuring tool and create a blog post about it from now (the date of this post) until midnight, January 31st. Any previous blog posts you have where you’ve created a dish using a measuring tool (with pictures) are happily accepted.

2) Add a link back to my blog within your blog post, Joelen’s Culinary Adventures

3) Send an email with the following information to itsjoelen@gmail.com:
– Title of the blogging adventure in subject line
– Your first name
– Your state and/or country location if outside the U.S.
– Your food blog name & link to your event entry that includes pictures

You can participate even if you don’t have a blog. Non-bloggers can email the above information (sans blog details) and I’ll include it in the round up.

Christkindl Market’s Bavarian Style Pecans

Today was a fun day where I checked out the Chicago holiday happenings downtown. Every year the Christkindl Market sets up shop near the city center and brings in a taste of Germany to Chicago. There is so much to see, smell, taste, hear… it’s almost like walking around in a European city during the holidays.

Visitors from all over the world come to the Christkindlmarket Chicago annually and the numbers continue to grow every year. It is so popular and loved by all that any Chicagoan will tell you that they could not imagine the city without it. It is no longer just a German tradition – it has become a Chicago institution. ~ Christkindl website

One of the main smells of the market were of cinnamon glazed nuts. There were several kinds of nuts available and it seemed as though everyone around me had some to snack on as they walked through the market. Once I got home, I was inspired to make some. The recipe that inspired me was from here. I adapted it to give it some more flavor using Pumpkin Pie spice to make it as close to the Bavarian Style pecans and they came out just as good as the ones in the Market!

Bavarian Style Cinnamon Pecans
original Joelen recipe

2 egg whites
1 tablespoon water
1 teaspoon vanilla paste (or extract)
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups pecans halves, divided
2 quart sized resealable bags

Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with parchment paper.

In a bowl, combine the egg whites, vanilla and water. Whisk until frothy and place in 1 resealable bag.

In the other resealable bag, combine the sugars, cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, and salt. Mix thoroughly to fully combine.

Place 1 cup of pecans in the egg white mixture. Seal bag and toss to coat. Remove only pecan halves and place in a medium bowl. Be sure to keep any remaining egg white in the bag.

Coat the remaining pecans with the egg white mixture in the sealable bag and set aside in the bowl.

Place 1 cup of the egg white coated pecans in the cinnamon sugar mixture. Seal bag and toss to coat. Remove pecan halves and place in a medium bowl. Be sure to keep any remaining sugar in the bag.

Coat the remaining pecans with the cinnamon sugar mixture in the resealable bag and set aside in the bowl.

Pour any remaining cinnamon sugar mixture from the resealable bag into the bowl of nuts.
Stir all the nuts once more in the bowl to thoroughly coat.

Place coated pecans on parchment lined baking sheet and bake in preheated oven for 1 hour – stirring every 15 minutes. Store in an airtight container.

Here are some pictures from the Christkindl Market…
So many trinkets!

Here’s where you can get some authentic Beer Steins!

Gifts all made with honey…
Russian & Ukranian gifts & ornaments…
I don’t think I’ve seen so many ornaments in one booth!

Ahh… lots and lots of German sausages…

A very cold Russian vendor with his Babushka Dolls…
Any one need a Nutcracker?

Interesting candy treat… a Marzipan Pig complete with a candy man riding it?
Creepy Witch Castle (Hansel & Gretel scene)…

Mmm.. Chocolate Clogs!
Truffles are a weakness of mine…

Season’s Eatings from Spain!

Fellow blogger, Katie of Thyme For Cooking has hosted a fun foodie swap called Season’s Eatings for the holidays. I participated in this and my package of goodies arrived today… from Barcelona Spain!

A heart felt ‘Thank You!‘ goes out to Nuria of Spanish Recipes for her wonderful and tasty package. I’m so psyched with the goodies I received:

White Beans
Nuria picked this up from her local Farmer’s Market. She says they’ve been harvested recently and are famous in Spain for their fine and tender texture when cooked.
Ceps: A type of mushroom which are great with meat, omelettes and rice.
Noras: This is a small dry pepper that is used in sauces, stews and with legumes.
A great spice, especially coming straight from Spain… and is essential in paella!

If you have any recipes using the above ingredients, I’d love to hear about them! I know Nuria has quite a few in her blog that I hope to try soon!

To Brie, Or Not To Brie?

Thanks to my friends at President Cheese, I received this wonderful package of their special Brie log, Stonewall Kitchen Raspberry Jam and Carr’s Water Crackers. This comes at a perfect time especially after my busy weekend.

I happen to love President Cheese that (little did they know!) I always have a large wheel of their Brie on hand. However their Brie log is a perfect shape for crackers and appetizers. The rind on President’s Brie log is so thin, even those that don’t like to eat the rind (like myself) won’t mind it at all!

So what kinds of recipes do you use brie in? I’d love to hear from you and learn some new recipes to use it in or perhaps other accouterments you eat brie with! In the meantime, here are some recipes I have within my blog using brie…

November Tasty Tools: Round Up!

So have you had enough holiday fare with Thanksgiving over? By chance did you get a glimpse of our Tasty Tool this month in a kitchen? That right, this month we highlighted Roasting & Braising pans. Fellow bloggers have submitted recipes using their roasting/braising pans and it wasn’t all filled with turkey! Check out the wonderful recipes submitted and next time you think of a roasting/braising pan, hopefully other recipes come to mind aside from turkey!

Thanks to fellow bloggers for participating this month!

Cathy of Cathy’s Kitchen
from New York
Roasted Chicken with Vegetables
Everyone should try making a roasted chicken once. It’s a classic dish that is easier to prepare than some folks think! Cathy shares with us her roasted chicken recipe and a tip she got from Paula Deen to get a nice crispy skin from baking. Wanna know what that tip is? Check out Cathy’s blog for the recipe and more!

Cate of Cate’s Kitchen
from California
Braised Chicken with Mushrooms & Bacon
Cate’s recipe is a versatile one in that it can be made in a Dutch oven and braising pan! This dish is rich and full of flavor… especially with 2 kinds of wine, fresh herbs and bacon in the recipe. Perfect for the cold winter months, you’ll want to sneak a peek at Cate’s blog and check out the recipe!

Nancy of Gaga in the Kitchen
from California
Classic Thanksgiving Turkey
What’s a roasting/braising tool round up without featuring the mighty turkey?! Nancy shares with us her beautiful turkey she and her family enjoyed for Thanksgiving. Her post is chock full of awesome tips and tricks on roasting a turkey. I highly recommend checking out her blog to prepare for next year (and no, its never to early!)

Rachel of The Crispy Cook
from New York
Roasted Mashed Potato Remix
I love how very cool Rachel’s roasting pan is. It’s not the fancy shmancy stainless steel I’m familiar with, but rather a Roemertopf clay pot roaster. Where can I pick up one of those?! Rachel tackles leftover mashed potatoes and steps them up in this gourmet remix. Check out Rachel’s blog for the recipe!

Amy of Just2Good
from Florida
Roasted Chicken with Bacon
Everything is better with bacon! Amy shares with us her beautiful roasted chicken adorned with crisp bacon. To accompany this dish, she made a gravy right in her roasting pan using drippings from the chicken. Yum! Check out Amy’s blog for the recipe!

Krystal of Married Life
from California
Good Eats Roast Turkey
Krystal’s turkey was courtesy of Alton Brown. I think it’s a great recipe to try because the process and steps involved definitely makes sense. Krystal’s turkey came out fabulous and your’s can too by checking out her blog for the recipe (and some fun pictures of her in her beautiful kitchen!)

Karen of Loves to Eat Weblog
from Florida
Pumpkin Cheesecake
I saved Karen’s dessert for last because shes proves that a roasting pan is quite a useful vessel even for desserts! Using her roasting pan, she created a bain marie – an ideal technique in making cheesecakes. Check out Karen’s blog… and make a cheesecake for the upcoming holidays!

Tasty Tools: Baking sheets pans!

For December’s Tasty Tools event, we’re highlighting baking sheet pans to keep with the holiday cookie season. Aside from cookies, these baking sheet pans can be used for many other dishes. What do you use yours for?

If you happen to use a baking sheet pan for any of your cooking and/or baking this month, submit a recipe you’ve made with a picture of it on a baking sheet pan to the event all throughout the month of December.

1) Make a recipe using a baking sheet pan and create a blog post about it from now (the date of this post) until midnight, December 31st.

2) Add a link back to my blog within your blog post, Joelen’s Culinary Adventures

3) Send an email using this contact form with the following information:
– Title of the blogging adventure in subject line
– Your name, state/country location
– Your food blog name & link to your event entry with picture

November Tasty Tools: Roasting/Braising Pans!

For November’s Tasty Tools, we’re highlighting Roasting & Braising Pans! This is one piece of cookware that will be especially used this month for the many Thanksgiving celebrations happening. However aside from turkey, this piece of cookware has many other uses. I use my roasting pan for roast chicken, pork & lamb roasts, large batches of caramel corn, even lasagna! It’s a great piece of cookware that every kitchen should have and it can be used throughout the year – not just for turkey on Thanksgiving! So if you happen to use a roasting or braising pan for any of your cooking and/or baking this month, submit a recipe you’ve made in a roasting/braising pan to the event all throughout the month of November.

1) Make a recipe using a roasting/braising pan and create a blog post about it from now (the date of this post) until midnight, November 30th.

2) Add a link back to my blog within your blog post, Joelen’s Culinary Adventures.

3) Send an email with the following information to itsjoelen@gmail.com:
– Title of the blogging adventure in subject line
– Your name, state/country location
– Your food blog name & link to your event entry with picture

October Tasty Tools: Dutch Oven Round Up!

For October’s Tasty Tools, we’re highlighting Dutch Ovens! This is one piece of cookware I must have because of the versatility it offers. This is the time of year I tend to use it more often because it’s such a great vessel to make soups, stews, roasts, and casseroles. Let’s not forget that the old style Dutch ovens can also be used as baking ovens to create biscuits, breads, cakes, pies and even pizza! Here’s the round up of recipes submitted by my readers who used a dutch oven this month! Enjoy these recipes and if you’re unsure of what to make next with your dutch oven, perhaps these will offer some inspiration…

Karen of Loves to Eat Weblog
from Florida
White Bean & Chicken Chili
It’s definitely chili season and Karen shares with us a great variation to the classic red chili. Until some chilis that simmer for quite some time, this chili can be whipped up in minutes! Check out Karen’s blog of this savory and speedy chili recipe!
Renea of Sweet Savory Southern
from Tennessee
Herbed Chicken & Dumplings
If Herbed Chicken & Dumplings doesn’t sound like a comforting fall dish, I don’t know what is! Renea joins us this month to share her Herbed Chicken & Dumplings recipe, a great dish to enjoy on fall days and to nurse yourself back to health. Check out Renea’s blog for the recipe and try it today!
Annie of Annie’s Eats
from Indiana
Beef Stew
One classic dish made with a dutch oven is a Beef Stew and Annie does it well! I especially love the color of her dutch oven… so bright and cheery on a fall day! To check out how her amazing beef stew turned out, click to view her blog and get the recipe (and be inspired to pick up a fun colored dutch oven too!)
Nancy of Gaga in the Kitchen
from California
Japanese Curry
To add some ethnic flair among our dutch oven recipes, Nancy shares her recipe for Japanese Curry. It’s a great way to try curry that’s different from Indian and Thai cuisines. Check out Nancy’s blog for the recipe!
Laura of Laura’s Home Cookin’
from Minnesota
Comfort Chicken
One great thing about the fall season is the amount of one pot meals you can make. Laura shares with us a great Comfort Chicken dish that includes all the components of a well rounded dinner. To get the recipe and start making this for yourself, check out Laura’s blog!
Amy of Just 2 Good
from Florida
Pasta Fagioli
What’s fall without a classic soup like Pasta Fagioli? Amy joins the event with this soup, which is chock full of beans, pasta and sausage. Mmmm… I’m craving a bowl already! Check out Amy’s blog for the recipe!
Erin of It’s All Happening!
from Minnesota
Rustic Cabbage Soup
Erin brings to the table a Rustic Cabbage Soup which is a great change to the usual vegetable soup. I really love how Erin creates this from scratch and from the looks of it, does a delicious job! She’s inspired me to cook with cabbage since it’s been awhile that I’ve cooked with it. Check out Erin’s blog for the recipe and make this soon!

Emily of Rediscovering the Joy of Cooking
from California
White Bean Chicken Chili
Chili is one of those foods that I think is best during the fall season. Emily shares with us a recipe for White Bean Chicken Chili that is easy to make and flavorful too! I especially like the use of green chiles in the recipe (we’re big fans of it) and the creamy texture it has. Check out Emily’s blog for the recipe!

Therese of In the Kitchen
from Illinois
Jambalaya with Shrimp & Sausage
If it’s made with rice, it’s a dish that’s sure to be a hit in our house. Therese’s entry for Jambalaya with Shrimp & Sausage looks hearty and comforting, chock full of many pantry staples too. Check out her blog and give this a try in your dutch oven soon!
Therese of In the Kitchen
from Illinois
Beer Braised Beef Short Ribs
If this doesn’t look like a fabulous fall dish, I don’t know what does! Here, Therese shares with us a recipe for Beer Braised Beef Short Ribs. Inspired by Dave Lieberman, these short ribs take a delicious bath of beer for a couple of hours, resulting in some flavorful eats. Check out Therese’s blog for the recipe!
Therese of In the Kitchen
from Illinois
Chicken Stew with Biscuits
Here’s a recipe from Therese that can be made in either a Dutch Oven or baking dish. This dish looks so comforting that you’ll definitely want to give this a try during the cooler fall months. To get the recipe, check out Therese’s blog!

October Tasty Tools: Dutch Ovens!

For October’s Tasty Tools, we’re highlighting Dutch Ovens! This is one piece of cookware I must have because of the versatility it offers. This is the time of year I tend to use it more often because it’s such a great vessel to make soups, stews, roasts, and casseroles. Let’s not forget that the old style Dutch ovens can also be used as baking ovens to create biscuits, breads, cakes, pies and even pizza! So if you happen to use a dutch oven for any of your cooking and/or baking this month, submit a recipe you’ve made in a dutch oven to the event all throughout the month of October.All October Tasty Tool entries must be submitted by October 31st… and the round up will be posted by November 5th. Here’s how to submit your Tasty Tools entry…

1) Make a recipe using a dutch oven and create a blog post about it from now until midnight, October 31st. Be sure to take a picture of your dutch oven for this event!

2) Add a link back to my blog within your blog post, Joelen’s Culinary Adventures.

3) Send an email with the following information to itsjoelen@gmail.com:
– Title of the blogging adventure in subject line
– Your name, state/country location
– Your food blog name & link to your event entry with picture

September Tasty Tools – Bakeware!

I guess summer is really over… but we did end it on a delicious note by cranking up our ovens to welcome fall. This month’s Tasty Tools event highlights bakeware! Whether it’s made out of glass, silicone, metal or stoneware, if you can bake in it, it’s a great addition to our round up. Check out the wonderful things folks are baking up with their favorite pieces of bakeware. Who knows… it just might inspire you to create something comforting and warm on these fall days! Thanks to all that participated and hope you enjoy this collection of recipes warm your soul and oven.

Jenn of Jenn & Food, Perfect Together
from New Jersey
Double Crust Apple Pie
What’s fall without a slice of Apple Pie? Jenn shares with us a Food Network recipe for Apple Pie which is perfect for the fall weather. Using a 10 inch pie plate and a cookie sheet, her entry features 2 pieces of essential bakeware. Check out her blog for links to the recipe and additional mouth watering pictures!
Nancy of Gaga in the Kitchen
from California
Stuffed Baguettes
Move over Hot Pockets (and the like)! Nancy’s got an even better snack with her Stuffed Baguettes. These baguettes are stuffed and baked with your favorite sandwich fillings baked right in. These can be made using a baking sheet, baking stone or peel. Check out Nancy’s blog for the recipe & details on creating the perfect dough for these and what she stuffed her baguette with!
Oggi of I Can Do That!
from Virginia
Hokkaido Milky Loaf
I have been a fan of Oggi’s blog for a few months now… and her entry probably gets the “Coolest Bakeware” award. Using Pullman bread pans, she creates these delicately soft, yet sturdy loaves of bread. Check out Oggi’s blog for details on the bread pans she used and for the recipe!
Karen of Loves To Eat Weblog
from Florida
Caramel Bars
Karen is such a fabulous cook & baker that all her entries to my blogging events are so tasty. This one was no exception, especially since I’m a big fan of caramel. Her Caramel Bars were made using an 8×8 Pyrex pan and to prevent a big mess and easy removal from the pan, she uses foil! (Such a great tip, by the way!) Check out Karen’s blog for the recipe!
Jaime of Good Eats ‘n Sweet Treats
from Texas
Peanut Buttercups with Peanut-Penuche Icing
Another one of my fave blogs is Jaime’s. This time she makes me crave something peanut buttery with her entry to Tasty Tools. Using her muffin pan, she creates these Peanut Buttercups… and if that wasn’t enough, she tops them with a Peanut-Penuche Icing. YUM! Check out Jaime’s blog for the recipe and more drool-worthy food pics!
Carly of Live. Laugh. Grow.
from West Virginia
Carly’s on-the-fly Spanakopita
I really like Carly’s entry for this bakeware event. Aside from creating something delicious, she used a special piece of bakeware, a 10 inch round cake pan, used by her husband’s late grandmother. Carly’s version of Spanakopita looks so versatile and easy… check out her blog for the recipe!
Shauna of Little Miss Foodie Two Shoes
from Florida
Low Fat Pumpkin Muffins
With healthy eating on our minds, I’m glad to have Shauna share her tasty Low Fat Pumpkin Muffins for the event! She used her muffin pan to make these beautiful treats, perfect for the fall. If you need to get in the fall spirit, check out the recipe in Shauna’s blog!
Carrie of Carrie’s Sweet Life
from Minnesota
My Big Fat Chocolate Chip Cookies
Carrie is after my own heart because she shares with us my favorite cookie of all time – chocolate chip! Her recipe is from Food Network celebrity chef, Tyler Florence and he would be proud to see how perfect the cookies came out! Carrie used her trusty cookie sheet which is a definite must in every kitchen. To get the recipe (especially in time for the holidays!) check out Carrie’s blog!
Jess of Cooking Up Memories
from Wisconsin
Mexican Stuffed Shells
Jess shares with us a special recipe from her her aunt. Using a 9×13 baking pan, her Mexican Stuffed Shells is sure to be a keeper recipe. One thing I love about preparing baked pasta shells is the fillings can be an endless possibility and this recipe is a great fusion of Italian and Mexican cuisines. Check out Jess’s blog for the recipe!
Lindsey of Noodle Nights & Muffin Mornings
from New York
Granite Steps Country Blueberry Coffee Cake
Aside from our love of food, Lindsey and I share the same fondness of Crate & Barrel… so much so that she used her Crate & Barrel Bake & Store Cake Pan for her entry. Her Blueberry Coffee Cake has left me speechless because it looks ridiculously good. All those blueberries look so tempting atop the cake. For a fabulous breakfast dish, you’ll need to check out Lindsey’s blog for this recipe!
Kristina of About a Bit of Everything
from Illinois
Brownie Muffins
I had the pleasure of meeting and brunching with Kristina last weekend (along with some other fellow culinary divas) and she definitely has an appreciation of good eats. Her entry is definitely a delicious one because she creatively used a mini muffin pan to make brownie muffins. Is it a brownie? Is it a muffin? Regardless, it sure looks chocolatey good and you’re able to find the recipe in her blog!
Jade of Apples & Oranges
from New York
Apple Streusel Coffee Cake
One of my fave food blogs that always has beautiful pictures belongs to Jade. Her pictures tend to make me hungry and tends to have a very artistic culinary vibe… I love that! For this event, she shares with us her Apple Streusel Coffee Cake which is made using a bundt pan. If this picture doesn’t get you to check out her blog for the recipe, I don’t know what will…
Jen of Beantown Baker
from Massachusetts
Zucchini and Turkey Lasagna
Probably the most colorful bakeware entry comes from Jen. Her bakeware, a purple 8×8 Pyrex pan, was used to make a delicious and healthy Zucchini & Turkey Lasagna. I don’t know about you, but lasagna is definitely a comfort food in our house and her recipe looks outstanding. Check out Jen’s blog for the recipe!
Annie of Annie’s Eats
from Indiana
Hamburger Buns
Being a Pampered Chef consultant myself, I was especially pleased to see Annie use her Pampered Chef Pizza Stone for the the Tasty Tool event. Even more pleasing are the gorgeous hamburger buns she made on the pizza stone. Seriously, she’s a natural in the kitchen and her new son is one lucky boy to have a great chef of a mom! Check out Annie’s blog for her recipe!
Becke of Columbus Foodie
from Ohio
Simple Apple Squares
Becke always has something delicious cooking up in her kitchen and this time around, she’s sharing a dish that uses some seasonal produce such as apples. Her entry, made in a 9×13 baking pan, captures fall in every bite of her Simple Apple Squares. To find out what could top this tasty dessert, check out her blog and get the recipe too!
Kelsey of Apple A Day
from Arizona
Applesauce Spice Cookies
Kelsey joins the round up with some fall flavors packed into these tasty cookies using her jellyroll pan. These would make for some wonderful gift giving for the upcoming holidays too. Check out Kelsey’s blog for the recipe!